Behavioral Health and Serious Mental Illness (SMI)

Community Care Plan has programs to support members with behavioral health and serious mental illness (SMI) conditions. Our goal is to support members and caregivers with their care plan, get healthier, and improve their lives. Members and caregivers can learn more about their conditions and how to improve their health.


The behavioral health and SMI conditions we can help with are:

Behavioral health

Autism Spectrum disorders
Bipolar disorders
Delusional disorders
Eating disorders
Major depression
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Psychotic disorders
Schizo-affective disorder
Substance use disorder

Serious Mental Illness (SMI)

Bipolar Disorders
Delusional Disorders
Major Depression
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Psychotic Disorders
Schizo-Affective Disorder

Serious Mental Illness (SMI)

At CCP, we want you to know that you are not alone. Our team is here to connect you to the services that you need to take control of your health.

Our SMI specialty plan is for members 6 years of age and older who have one or more of the following conditions:

  • Bipolar Disorders
  • Delusional Disorders
  • Major Depression
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • Psychotic Disorders
  • Schizo-Affective Disorder

How Community Care Plan can help

Health Snapshot

Get the most from your health plan benefits and complete our Health Snapshot.

The answers to these questions will help your or your child’s Primary Care Provider (PCP) and our nurses know what you or your child need.

  • Answer the questions within 45 days of enrollment or CCP's request date and get a $15 or $20 gift card! Learn more on our Rewards page.
  • The snapshot should take less than 8 minutes to finish. You will get FREE resource links and be able to have a copy of your answers emailed to you at the end. You will see the camera picture.
  • Your information is private. The answers do not change you or your child's benefits.
  • Care Coordination and support from SMI-trained staff
  • Social Work support and links to community resources
  • Pharmacy support for medication-related assistance and education
  • A network of quality providers for mental health services
  • Expanded Benefits - expanded benefits are extra goods or services we provide to you, free of charge

Coaching and Support from Ontrak

Community Care Plan has a partnership with Ontrak Health, a leading behavioral health company. For more than 20 years, Ontrak Health has helped thousands live happier lives providing:

  • Care Coaching
  • Treatment plans
  • Access to behavioral health providers

These behavioral health services are at no cost to you.

Who can participate?

Members who are 18 years of age and older with one or more behavioral health conditions:

  • Alcohol use disorder
  • Anxiety disorder
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Drug/substance use disorder
  • Major depression
  • Schizophrenia

Ready to talk? We’re here to listen.
Visit or call 866-387-3308 (TTY: 711)
8 a.m. – 9 p.m. ET, Monday – Friday

Contact Us

For more information on our programs, please

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a natural way to respond to stress, feeling afraid, or threatened. It can show up as feelings of fear, dread, or discomfort. These feelings can be from mild to severe. Mentally, anxiety is described by increased unease, worried thoughts, and physical changes like increased blood pressure.

Anxiety may cause physical symptoms like increased heart rate, fast breathing, sweating, and shaking.
Remember, treatment can help control anxiety!

How to take care of yourself

Talk to someone

Talk to a friend, family member, health professional, or counselor. Sometimes sharing your feelings can help.

Limit caffeine

Caffeine can make anxiety worse. Try drinking less coffee and caffeinated drinks.

Limit alcohol

Alcohol may makee you feel better for a short time, but it can make anxiety worse over time.


Writing down your feelings can help you know what you’re feeling and find what you react to


Do things for yourself like taking a bath, spending time alone, or turning off your phone.

Get Help

Remember, getting professional help is important. Psychotherapy (like cognitive-behavioral therapy) and medications are helpful treatments for anxiety disorders.

Try Calming Practices

Breathing: Try deep, slow breaths to calm your nervous system. Mindfulness: Try being present in the moment and focusing on what's happening now. Yoga: Gentle movement and relaxation practices can help lower anxiety.

How Community Care Plan Can Help

Health Snapshot

Get the most from your health plan benefits and complete our Health Snapshot.

The answers to these questions will help your or your child’s Primary Care Provider (PCP) and our nurses know what you or your child need.

  • Answer the questions within 45 days of enrollment or CCP's request date and get a $15 or $20 gift card! Learn more on our Rewards page.
  • The snapshot should take less than 8 minutes to finish. You will get FREE resource links and be able to have a copy of your answers emailed to you at the end. You will see the camera picture.
  • Your information is private. The answers do not change you or your child's benefits.
  • Care Coordination and support from SMI-trained staff
  • Social Work support and links to community resources
  • Pharmacy support for medication-related assistance and education
  • A network of quality providers for mental health services
  • Expanded Benefits - expanded benefits are extra goods or services we provide to you, free of charge

Coaching and Support from Ontrak

Community Care Plan has a partnership with Ontrak Health, a leading behavioral health company. For more than 20 years, Ontrak Health has helped thousands live happier lives providing:

  • Care Coaching
  • Treatment plans
  • Access to behavioral health providers

These behavioral health services are at no cost to you.

Who can participate?

Members who are 18 years of age and older with one or more behavioral health conditions, like bipolar disorder.

Ready to talk? We’re here to listen.
Visit or call 866-387-3308 (TTY: 711)
8 a.m. – 9 p.m. ET, Monday – Friday

Contact Us

For more information on our programs, rewards please

What is bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that affects how someone feels and acts.

People with bipolar disorder have big mood swings. Sometimes they feel very happy and excited (like they’re on a roller coaster), and other times they feel very sad and tired. These mood changes can make it hard to do everyday things.

How to take care of yourself

Talk to a doctor

The first step is to see a doctor or a mental health professional. They can ask questions and understand what’s going on. Doctors might advise therapy or medication.

Support from family and friends

Having people who care about you can make a big difference. Family and friends can listen, cheer you on, and help you stay on course with your care.


Therapy (also called counseling) helps people talk about their feelings and learn how to handle mood swings. A therapist can teach new ways to cope.


Some people take medicine to balance their moods. Doctors prescribe medicines to help control the ups and downs of bipolar disorder.

How Community Care Plan Can Help

Health Snapshot

Get the most from your health plan benefits and complete our Health Snapshot.

The answers to these questions will help your or your child’s Primary Care Provider (PCP) and our nurses know what you or your child need.

  • Answer the questions within 45 days of enrollment or CCP's request date and get a $15 or $20 gift card! Learn more on our Rewards page.
  • The snapshot should take less than 8 minutes to finish. You will get FREE resource links and be able to have a copy of your answers emailed to you at the end. You will see the camera picture.
  • Your information is private. The answers do not change you or your child's benefits.
  • Care Coordination and support from SMI-trained staff
  • Social Work support and links to community resources
  • Pharmacy support for medication-related assistance and education
  • A network of quality providers for mental health services
  • Expanded Benefits - expanded benefits are extra goods or services we provide to you, free of charge

Coaching and Support from Ontrak

Community Care Plan has a partnership with Ontrak Health, a leading behavioral health company. For more than 20 years, Ontrak Health has helped thousands live happier lives providing:

  • Care Coaching
  • Treatment plans
  • Access to behavioral health providers

These behavioral health services are at no cost to you.

Who can participate?

Members who are 18 years of age and older with one or more behavioral health conditions, like bipolar disorder.

Ready to talk? We’re here to listen.
Visit or call 866-387-3308 (TTY: 711)
8 a.m. – 9 p.m. ET, Monday – Friday

Contact Us

For more information on our programs, please

What is Depression?

Depression is a mental health condition where someone feels constantly sad, loses interest in things they used to enjoy, and has changes in sleep, hunger, and energy levels.

It can affect your thoughts, feelings, and daily life.

Getting help from an expert, talking openly about your feelings, and connecting with people who support you are important for dealing with depression. Remember, you’re not alone, and there’s hope!

How to take care of yourself

Talk about it

Talk to your family, friends, and mental health providers about how you are feeling. Depression is not a personal flaw. It is a health condition. It usually gets better with treatment.

Professional Help

Get help from a health care provider or a mental health professional like a psychiatrist or a therapist. They can provide guidance and treatment.

Learn the symptoms

Understand the signs of depression, like being sad, irritated, changes in sleep or hunger, and thoughts of not wanting to live.

Support and resources

Remember, you’re not alone. There are resources available to help.

How Community Care Plan Can Help

Health Snapshot

Get the most from your health plan benefits and complete our Health Snapshot.

The answers to these questions will help your or your child’s Primary Care Provider (PCP) and our nurses know what you or your child need.

  • Answer the questions within 45 days of enrollment or CCP's request date and get a $15 or $20 gift card! Learn more on our Rewards page.
  • The snapshot should take less than 8 minutes to finish. You will get FREE resource links and be able to have a copy of your answers emailed to you at the end. You will see the camera picture.
  • Your information is private. The answers do not change you or your child's benefits.
  • Care Coordination and support from SMI-trained staff
  • Social Work support and links to community resources
  • Pharmacy support for medication-related assistance and education
  • A network of quality providers for mental health services
  • Expanded Benefits - expanded benefits are extra goods or services we provide to you, free of charge

Coaching and Support from Ontrak

Community Care Plan has a partnership with Ontrak Health, a leading behavioral health company. For more than 20 years, Ontrak Health has helped thousands live happier lives providing:

  • Care Coaching
  • Treatment plans
  • Access to behavioral health providers

These behavioral health services are at no cost to you.

Who can participate?

Members who are 18 years of age and older with one or more behavioral health conditions, like bipolar disorder.

Ready to talk? We’re here to listen.
Visit or call 866-387-3308 (TTY: 711)
8 a.m. – 9 p.m. ET, Monday – Friday

Contact Us

For more information on our programs, please

What is Substance Use Disorder?

Substance use disorder (SUD), also known as drug addiction, is a medical condition that affects a person’s brain and behavior.

SUD leads to an inability to control the use of legal or illegal drugs, alcohol, or medications. When someone is addicted, they may keep using the substance even though it can be harmful. Symptoms can be moderate to severe, with addiction being the most severe form of SUD.

Mental health and substance use disorders at the same time are also common. Remember, treatment is available, and getting help is an important step to recovery!

How to take care of yourself

National Helpline

Call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).

This free, confidential service provides treatment referrals and information.

Help by Zip Code

Text your ZIP code to 435748 for local resources.

Support groups

Join support groups or get help from your health care provider, family, or friends. Remember, treatment is available, and getting help is an important step to recovery!

How Community Care Plan Can Help

Health Snapshot

Get the most from your health plan benefits and complete our Health Snapshot.

The answers to these questions will help your or your child’s Primary Care Provider (PCP) and our nurses know what you or your child need.

  • Answer the questions within 45 days of enrollment or CCP's request date and get a $15 or $20 gift card! Learn more on our Rewards page.
  • The snapshot should take less than 8 minutes to finish. You will get FREE resource links and be able to have a copy of your answers emailed to you at the end. You will see the camera picture.
  • Your information is private. The answers do not change you or your child's benefits.
  • Care Coordination and support from SMI-trained staff
  • Social Work support and links to community resources
  • Pharmacy support for medication-related assistance and education
  • A network of quality providers for mental health services
  • Expanded Benefits - expanded benefits are extra goods or services we provide to you, free of charge

Coaching and Support from Ontrak

Community Care Plan has a partnership with Ontrak Health, a leading behavioral health company. For more than 20 years, Ontrak Health has helped thousands live happier lives providing:

  • Care Coaching
  • Treatment plans
  • Access to behavioral health providers

These behavioral health services are at no cost to you.

Who can participate?

Members who are 18 years of age and older with one or more behavioral health conditions, like bipolar disorder.

Ready to talk? We’re here to listen.
Visit or call 866-387-3308 (TTY: 711)
8 a.m. – 9 p.m. ET, Monday – Friday

Contact Us

For more information on our programs, please

Community Care Plan is a managed care plan with a Florida Medicaid contract in Brevard, Broward, Charlotte, Collier, Desoto, Glades, Hendry, Indian River, Lee, Martin, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Okeechobee, Orange, Osceola, Palm Beach, Sarasota, Seminole, and St. Lucie counties.

The benefit information provided is a brief summary, not a complete description of benefits. For more information, contact the Managed Care Plan. Limitations, copayments, and/or restrictions may apply. Benefits, formulary, pharmacy network, premium and/or co-payments/co-insurance may change.