Get Rewarded for Completing and Returning the
Health Risk Assessment/Health Needs Questionnaire!
A Health Risk Assessment (HRA)/Health Needs Questionnaire (HNQ) is provided with the Welcome Package that is mailed to the member after enrolling with Community Care Plan – Florida Healthy Kids. The HRA/HNQ helps Community Care Plan better understand your child’s health needs.
This is a one-time benefit, so don’t miss this opportunity!
Complete and mail the Health Risk Assessment/ Health Needs Questionnaire to Community Care Plan |
HRA/HNQ received by Community Care Plan within 30 days of enrollment |
$25 gift card |
Complete and mail the Health Risk Assessment/ Health Needs Questionnaire to Community Care Plan |
HRA/HNQ received by Community Care Plan within 60 days of enrollment |
$20 gift card |
Complete and mail the Health Risk Assessment/ Health Needs Questionnaire to Community Care Plan |
HRA/HNQ received by Community Care Plan within 90 days of enrollment |
$15 gift card |
After completing and mailing the HRA/HNQ back to CCP with the self-addressed return envelope included with the Welcome Package, Community Care Plan will email or text a link to the reward site with a checkout code for the reward earned.
To make sure to earn a reward, please be sure to
complete all of the information requested in the HRA/HNQ
and mail it back to CCP within 90 days!
Need help with the HRA/HNQ or something else? CCP is here to help you!
Please call CCP Member Services at 1-866-930-0944 for help about: