Florida Healthy Kids

Call Florida KidCare at 1-888-540-KIDS (5437). Community Care Plan and the Florida Healthy Kids Corporation will verify that you have paid 5 percent of your family's annual income. You may need to provide receipts or other documents for the copayments you paid. 

Once your information has been verified, you will receive a letter stating you do not owe any copayments for the rest of the plan year. You can show this letter to providers. Community Care Plan – Florida Healthy Kids will also tell your providers you do not owe any copayments. Monthly premium wouldn't apply to a full-pay family's out-of-pocket costs. Subsidized families will also stop paying monthly premiums for the rest of the plan year. 

Remember, you will need to begin paying premiums and copayments again when your child's new continuous eligibility period starts. The continuous eligibility period is the 12 months following enrollment approval. If your child's continuous eligibility period begins on January 1st, be sure to pay your January premium in December.